The Power of Happenstance

By Gillian Billington June 24, 2024

As a career coach, I often think about how happenstance plays a significant role in shaping our lives.

Happenstance, simply put, refers to those chance occurrences that lead us down unexpected avenues, sometimes altering the course of our lives and careers in profound ways. It's about being open to opportunities that arise unexpectedly, seizing them with both hands, and allowing ourselves to grow through the experiences they bring. It underscores the importance of actively engaging in networking, seeking out opportunities, and venturing beyond our comfort zones to allow happenstance to weave its magic.

As a career coach, I encourage you to cultivate a mindset of openness and adaptability. Embrace happenstance as a valuable ally in your professional journey which has the potential to enrich your career and lead you to new connections and closer to your goals.

So go out there into the world, embrace the beauty of happenstance, welcome the unexpected with open arms, and trust in the journey as much as the destination.